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Amy Amelia Arts – Bumblina
Talisman Square
9.30AM to 10AM
September 18, 2021
Amy Amelia Arts
A free event, Bumblina is a gentle walkabout with a Crystal Ball manipulation.
Bumblina is Queen of the Bees. From the land of the fairies, she has sent her loyal bee subjects out across the land to collect pollen and bring life and food to the world. Watch as she performs mesmerising tricks with her magical ball of pollen: her very own bee dance.
The vibrant costume can be seen from afar and the summery soundtrack creates a head turning audio impact.
This is an outdoor event and while we hope that September brings with it warm summer days, there is a chance it may rain, so please be aware that this event is not under cover, so dress accordingly. In the event of extreme bad weather, we will arrange contingency plans which will be indoors.
Our onsite Covid safety measures
Whilst we recognise that there is now no limit to large events and no legal bases of previous mitigation measures, we are also mindful of public anxiety and our obligation to prevent transmission of the virus. Therefore, we will be taking several measures on site to help us do that.
We ask all attenders and performers to be mindful not just of themselves but also of others and to attend with care for all in mind.
We will encourage through announcements and signage for attenders and artists to socially distance in common areas. Please observe directions given by stewards in relation to this on site.
Hand sanitisers will be positioned across the site for people to use.
People are advised to wear face coverings queuing for food or drink and when accessing the site.
We have a reduced capacity onsite which will allow more space for people to only remain in the household bubbles if they wish.
Attenders and artists should check for symptoms of COVID-19 (a high temperature, new and persistent cough, or a loss of/change in sense of taste or smell) before travelling to the event. If anyone you live with have one or more of these symptoms (even if they are mild) they should not attend and should follow the guidance on testing and self-isolation.
Volunteers and Crew are expected to undertake a lateral flow test prior to the event to ensure we are safeguarding the public and reducing risk of transmission.
Thank you for your co-operation and we hope you enjoy the event.
Kenilworth Arts Festival
September 2021
For access information, please email